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Buddha is your mind

And the Way goes nowhere.

Don't look for anything but this.

If you point your cart north

When you want to go south, 

How will you arrive ?

Roykan, japan

תו מטפל ומדריך מוסמך.png

My training and qualifications as a therapist:


A psychotherapist in the CFT and mindfulness-based therapy approach 

* Training in CFT, and Supervision over the years with Dr. Chris Irons, London, UK.

* Member of the Israeli association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.

Certified couple and family therapist and supervisor

* Graduate of the Couples and Family Therapist Training Program.

* Member of the Israeli Association for couple and Family therapy.


Certified body Therapist

* Member of the Israeli and the European Association (EABP) for body Psychotherapy.


founder to the "budotherapy center" in Israel

* Psychotherapy from the wisdom and practice of martial arts

* embodied compassion through the martial arts.


Certified Sex Therapist

* Certified by the Israeli Association for Sex therapy (isst).


advanced Training and program for therapists:


Training courses at "Budotherapy center"

* embodied compassion focused therapy from the Budo - traditional martial arts.

* therapeutic presence amid difficulty, stress, and aggression in therapy.

* Introduction to "Compassion-focused therapy" (CFT) and compassion focused therapy in clinical work with couples.

* Supervision and guidance on psychotherapy and couple therapy.


teaching in the sex therapy program at Bar Ilan University

* teaches the Practicum course (Practical - Clinical Training) in the Sex Therapy Program.


teaching in the mindfulness-based therapy program at Bar-Ilan University

* Teaches the "Compassion-focused therapy" (CFT) course.






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